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fly away

Intervention carried out on 26 October 2013 within the exhibition of the Pinault collection entitled "A Triple Tour" which was held from 22 October 2013 to 6 January 2014 at the Conciergerie in Paris, France

The intervention consisted in adding a new piece to the exhibition of part of the Pinault collection at the Conciergerie. It took the form of an installation of a green fly sculpture (Lucilia Sericata) made to a scale of 1.5, accompanied by a label made to look exactly like the originals, the whole being affixed to the wall in a vacant space.

The title "Fly Away" is a double reference to both the fly and to escape ("Fly Away"). The theme of the exhibition "A Triple Tour" being the confinement of the human being, the fly represents here both the insect that one would like to be to see what is hidden on the other side of the wall, and an allegory of freedom for the imprisoned person dreaming of being able to pass through the bars that confine him. The green fly is also, in any tasteful event, the unwanted guest that one would like to do without.

Through this intrusive intervention in the exhibition of part of the collection of one of the greatest private collectors in a prestigious place of French public heritage, which is also steeped in history, I sought to question the nature of the link that can be established between private collection and public institution, and the place that is made for those who are not supported by either.

This intervention was the subject of photos and a video made with the help of a mobile phone for documentation purposes.


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